Friday, June 08, 2007

Faith Is Not Easy, But You Can Have It!

For the past months my husband and I have been standing in prayer for a friend that is going through a very stressful situation in her life. We have been her mentor for many years.

She is one of those special people that receives and follows instructions to a tee. That is very rare. There are many people who constantly ask questions. They will listen to what is being said, but they never put into practice what they have heard.

Many of these people just want therapy; they do not want solid answers that require change. Change is not easy. It is the one of the most difficult things that we humans must learn to do. Just as our natural muscles ache when we over exercise or use them in ways in which they are not accustomed, the same is true when we stretch our spiritual muscles. They too cry out in pain.

As we read in Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the substance of the things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen."

How do we believe for something we cannot see? In Romans 4:17, Abraham "called things that are not, as though they were."

In essence it comes in literally taking God at his word. Believing what He has said, no matter what we see, what we feel or what we hear. Faith is not easy, but you can have it!
If we never learn to see God in the small things, we will never see Him in the large ones.

Our spiritual eyes must recognize the fingerprints of God in every area of our lives. Our faith grows as we live through trials and circumstances where God comes through for us over and over again. These begin to form faith building blocks that become the strong foundation that our spiritual lives stand on.

Look back to the times that God has come through for you. Even if it is only once, His fingerprint is the same, it never changes. If you have heard His still small voice even once you can hear it again, for it never changes. If you have felt His touch upon you even once, you can feel it again, for He never changes.

Hebrew 3:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Believing that is having faith! Faith is not easy, but you can have it!

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Faith is even easier withis, bro:
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